Catch you on the flippedy-flip.
This week What I'd Rather Be Talking About is... saying goodbye to 2022 and welcoming in 2023. And talking about resolutions knowing that they're code for "good intentions that I'll break by Jan 2."
Hi Friends!
So, here we are again - in the middle of that weird but awesome week between Christmas and New Year’s when it’s possible to completely go off the radar.
And get away with it.
I love this time because not only can you go off the grid, but you can also use the week to get out of things you don’t want to do. Nobody will question you saying, “Going over to my relatives that day, can’t get together.” Plus, if you forget to do something (which hello, will inevitably happen) just say, “Oh, geez, I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what day it is. Is it Sunday?”
No, it’s Tuesday. But that doesn’t matter. You can’t get in trouble this week.
And, with all of this extra (fake) time, we have plenty of time to think about our…
Isn’t that great? Or, instead of resolutions, you could choose a WORD or MOTTO that will guide you through the New Year, helping you live your best life.
But, I’m going to get real with you for a minute. While I want to live my best life just as much as Oprah, I’ve lived through enough New Years’ to know myself. And I’m horrible with sticking to resolutions. (But if you're into them and stick to them, I think you are beyond swell. I mean that.)
The thing is… What I’d Rather Be Talking About aren’t resolutions or mottos… but the small steps we can take every day to live happy, healthy lives where we feel good about ourselves and our lives. So, while I will embrace the “clean slate” appeal of NYE and the New Year in general, I know myself better. I’ve only got the capacity to take things day by day, so I ultimately feel like I’m accomplishing some good in the next year and beyond. That’s it.
I wish the same for you. I hope you find something that resonates with you in this issue, and I wish you the absolute best 2023 you can imagine.
PODCAST - Why not just start out a little deep? Looking to tap into your spiritual side a bit more? Here’s a great episode to help - How to Tap Into Your Spiritual Connection With Suzanne Giesmann. Suzanne is described as a “messenger of hope” so how can you go wrong? Still staying deep but offering a medley of topics, The Light Watkins Show has a medley of “best of” podcasts highlighting 2022. I’d listen to this “best of” episode, which includes guest Agapi Stassinopolous. Google her, and pick up her book, Speaking With Spirit. (A great one to keep by your bed & read random passages every night or morning.)
STREAMING - Two movies to check out. First, try The Vast of Night on Amazon Prime. I can’t tell you anything about this movie without ruining it, but one tip - I found the dialog during the first ten minutes a bit overwhelming in terms of quantity. (I’m trying to say there’s a lot of talking.) Stick with it, it gets better. The second movie, Life Itself, is also on Prime and is full of life lessons woven into a well-written storyline.
YOUTUBE- One of my “resolutions” (aka ongoing goals since 2009) is to get more organized when it comes to buying and planning meals. So I watched Healthy Meal Prep for a Busy Week. Even if you’re not into plant-based cooking, the advice is clearly presented and seems doable (as in not hard). Next, Rainbow Plant Life has advice on how to prep meals for $2/day - again, EASY to follow (sense a pattern?), healthy, and budget-friendly. Finally, how about a “Hug in a Bowl?” If you want to get cozy with a bowl of soup, check out Cozy Vegan Soups by Pick up Limes.
Since I’m tapped out (literally and figuratively) when it comes to purchasing things, I have only one thing to share:
Bright green watch band, anyone? If you have an Apple watch, I’d suggest clicking the link before the clock strikes midnight on December 31. While you’re on their site, check out their end-of-year sale, and tell me if you want this hair clip and every pair of their earrings as much as I do.

Do you have your sights set on travel in 2023? If you’re not sure where you want to go, Travel & Leisure put together a few ideas (more like 50) for you.
If you’d prefer to watch a few ideas, check out Traveling with Kristin for 10 cool trip ideas.
Personally, I’m working on some story ideas and hoping to get back to Spain a couple of times in 2023 to possibly visit some other cities that are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Picasso’s Death, experience Holy Week in either Seville or Zamora and/or investigate yoga retreats in Spain that offer wellness experiences and/or language lessons. Stay tuned!
*Pics above were taken at the Suryalila Retreat Centre in Cadiz, Spain. Read about Suryalila here.
After spending time writing this newsletter and at the same time declaring I’m sooo not into New Year resolutions, words, mottos, or phrases, as I write this last part… I realize I’m kind of a liar.
I have a word for 2023. Ready for it?
My word is GRACE. As in, I’m going to resolve to try to be better, do better, eat better, and be more organized, among other things… but the whole time I’m doing this I’m going to give myself a bit of grace.
Because I know I will screw up. Many times. I’ll make mistakes, and do things that will give me new things to think about next year at this time.
And I’m going to try to give the people in my life a bit of grace too, and remember that they’re trying too. And they’ll screw up right along with me.
Nobody’s going to nail this resolution thing, and nobody’s going to spend next year’s weird Christmas week thinking, “MAN, so glad I won 2023 and am a perfect human now.”
Nope. So, how about we all just call it a resolution, be the best we can be, and be the best to each other along the way? That way, regardless of what goals we reach, at least we can feel pretty good about ourselves at the end of the day… and at end of the year.
Wishing you all the best today, next year, and always.
See you in the New Year,