How About We Talk About Finances?
Wrapping up January with a deep dive into the connection between wellness and finances. I'm talking about saving, spending, earning, & giving. Plus, some fun links that have nothing to do with $.
Rounding out Wellness Month with a deep dive into something green.
And I’m not talking smoothies.
If you read my January series, you know I’ve been focusing on wellness in 2025.
⬇️ ICYMI, here’s what was covered ⬇️
January 2 - The Trick To Making Changes Stick
January 9 - Is It Even January If We’re Not Talking Wellness?
January 16 - A Different Way to Look at Wellness
January 23 - I’m Talking to a Founder Who’s Making a Mark in the Wellness Space
So far, January’s newsletters have been easy for me to write - I spend most of my day consuming wellness content (and delicious food). When I hear about a product or practice that interests me, I investigate it like it's my job. My husband says, “I’m every marketer’s dream.”
Some of my wellness pursuits so far in 2025 include:
Acupuncture & chiropractor sessions. (My acupuncturist has group sessions, which makes it more affordable. And as a bonus, the sessions include a sound bath. Next level.)
Daily fitness classes (yoga or HIIT/weight classes) that are good for the body, and the company is good for the soul. Plus, the studio is a toasty 95 degrees.
Trying to be more social/reconnect with my people.
Infrared sauna 4-5 times per week.
Red light therapy 3 - 4 times per week. (Red light hack: buy one for your spouse for Xmas. Everyone wins. I got this one on sale.)
Getting steps in with a weighted vest. (I bought this 12-pounder.)
Running 3-4 times per week (less than my marathon days, but still getting out there)
Focusing on more protein, veggies, fruits, and fiber… and less sugar, vino, and caffeine (and living to tell about it).
Getting more sleep. (Acupuncture helps with this.)
I left one very important component of wellness off this list.
I’m also trying to REDUCE STRESS.😰
Who isn’t, right?
Stress is a tricky bugger because, hello, how do we avoid it?
My major stressor is keeping all the plates spinning as I balance my writing life and my daily life. My head is going 24-7 like the Energizer Bunny. Which is great, but not great… trying to slow down the madness every now and then. Because as we all know stress takes a toll on us.
Stress wreaks all sorts of havoc on us, like:
muscle tension
digestive issues
increased heart rate
difficulty sleeping
weakened immune system
Plus, it can make a person really crabby🦀.
And do you know what the American Psychological Association says is one of the most common stressors? (Here’s a hint.)
And try as we might, we can’t avoid the topic of finances. As much as we may say, “Money isn’t important to me,” our finances affect us.
Every aspect of our lives - where we live, what we can afford to do, what we can access for healthcare, travel, recreation, and daily life - circles back to our bank accounts.
Yet, some of us (with me leading the pack) don’t understand how to manage our money as well as we should.
I should mention that I’m selfishly writing this issue of the newsletter for myself, as one of my 2025 goals is to become more financially savvy.
And that’s why the topic of money - earning, saving, investing, and smart spending - is What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week.
Did you know that 72% of adults say they worry about money every month? That’s according to the American Psychological Association.
And it makes sense… money is a source of stress even in times when eggs aren’t $10/dozen.
Given the rise in prices on almost everything in recent years, money is a hot topic.
Because regardless of your financial goals and values, having a certain amount of money is necessary to live a comfortable, healthy life.
That’s why it’s so important to get a handle on the world of finance.
With that in mind, I’m doing a “soft dive” into the world of finance.
Because believe me, I’m no expert.
But I am an expert in is scouring the internet for interesting podcasts, YouTubes, articles, and products.
So… I’ve put together a few resources that can help you save a few bucks, understand investing, learn a bit about crypto, and do your best to not only get by, but prosper even in the most challenging financial times.
Sound good?
And don’t worry—in addition to all the money talk, I’m throwing in a couple of fun links—
The Low-Down on what’s on sale and what’s not in February
A healthy soup recipe I could eat every day until the end of time
Financial predictions for the year ahead
Podcasts, YouTubes, and articles that will have you feeling pretty in touch with your finances
Tax advice for 2025
Some good old-fashioned advice on how to manifest abundance in 2025
Pics of the wellness stash I took on a business trip that almost made my suitcase tip the scale
A few fun surprises
All of that is waiting for you below⬇️
So let’s get to it, because we all know that…
Time Is Money.
Let’s start with small changes to save money on your household expenses.
Next, predictions are always fun - listen to The Magic 8 Ball Predicts the Financial Future from the cleverly named podcast Stacking Benjamins.
Financial advice, woo-woo style: How to Manifest the Money You Want in Your Life in 2025 from The School of Greatness Podcast.
Getting serious now: How to Make the Best Money Moves in an Uncertain Year on the So Money Podcast With Farnoosh Torabi, What Top U.S. Economists Predict for the Economy in 2025, and 10 financial advisors weigh in with their advice for investing in 2025.
Tickle me green; there’s a Substack Summit on Finance tomorrow (Friday, January 31). Listen to top finance and business experts share 2025 insights.
Okay, there’s a green elephant in the room, and its name is Crypto. WHAT is the deal with Crypto? Jerry from my morning workout class has schooled me on Crypto and investing and even gave me the book, The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous. (Thanks, Jerry!!!)
While you wait for Amazon to deliver your new Bitcoin book, check out What Nerd Wallet says about Bitcoin.
Another financial elephant I like to pretend isn’t there… taxes. There is so much info out there; let’s start with what experts advise for the upcoming season.
Wrapping up with the best online savings accounts.
If you have financial tips that could help our Substack family, leave a comment!
I would love to hear your feedback.
I’ve got the good links below…