Is it even January if we're not talking wellness?
Wellness is on the agenda all month long. This week, let's talk about food. Healthy food. And lots of it.
Coming to you nine days into the New Year.
Most of us are in the grind again.
It’s like POOF💨.
One day, we’re spreading holiday cheer, and the next, we’re working on spreadsheets for work, or maybe Uncle Sam. ( I mean, that time is coming…)
The holidays flew by in the blink of an eye, and now, we’re in it again, with the only clues of December being the obligatory greetings, “How were your holidays? Did you celebrate? How about your New Year?”
It’s a Pleasantry OUTBREAK.
After hearing these holiday pleasantries, saying them ourselves, and using them as email and newsletter openers six million times, we’re ready to have some regular days.
But wait. It’s the New Year.
Have you forgotten you’re changing your life this year?
Remember? You may have made one of the standard resolutions to… work less and workout more, spend more time with family, get more sleep, save more money, write that book, take more walks, be more spiritual, stop boozing or smoking, or spend less time scrolling.
So many variations of resolutions are swirling about, and thanks to social media, they’re all right in front of us.
The pressure is on to be the “perfect version of you” and do it this year.
Which is, of course, totally realistic. Because I know we all have a ton of extra time and money to throw into this resolution business. 🤓
Well, I’ve got good news for you.
For now, I’m taking the focus off all of the resolutions listed above and instead focusing on one I left off the list.
Did you catch it?
This resolution happens to be the foundation for your life.
And we all need to pay attention to it, whether we like it or not.
(Sorry, not sorry. The truth hurts.)
And, I’ll be dipped in New Year’s glitter; that resolution happens to be What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week:
Call it a resolution, call it a doctor’s order, call it finally listening to your mother and eating those vegetables, but the resolution we really shouldn’t ignore is…
To Establish and Maintain Healthy Eating Habits
(Notice I didn’t say diet.)
Diets are quick fixes on the cover of the National Enquirer.
I’m talking about committing to living a life where making healthy food choices is what we do.
Every. Damn. Day.
Sure, there will be times when crap is eaten.
But the more aware we become of how we can make great food choices, the more we’ll want to do so 24-7, 365.
Because the truth is, eating well just feels so much better.
And eating well doesn’t just make us feel better, it makes our bodies work better.
(Remember what our old pal Hippocrates said?)
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
With that in mind, I’ve worked to put together a boatload of resources, recipes, podcasts, YouTubes, books, and tips… all designed to help us eat well in delicious and affordable ways.
It’s a good one to refer to in the future when you need ideas for what to make for dinner or something to listen to on your walk.
(If you’re not a paid member, today might be a good day to try it out, as the list below the paywall is pretty darn comprehensive. Just sayin’.)
With that… let’s get to it!
CLEAN, HEALTHY, and DELICIOUS are my three guiding words for 2025.
Starting with advice from a naturopathic doctor on how to eat well in 2025.
You might want to try a detox to jump-start your year of great eating.
Here’s a six-step framework for a healthy diet plus healthy eating habits for 2025.
And now, let’s incorporate healthy eating into our days.
Tired of your morning gruel? Here are 20 new breakfast ideas (❤️ 5 & 12)
A quinoa muffin recipe, Whole30 Breakfast meal prep, and yes, red velvet pancakes can be healthy.
Here’s something to think about before you buy oatmeal, plus a scary thought- do the products you buy contain weed killer?😬 No worries, here’s the healthiest oatmeal at the grocery store and some gluten-free breakfast ideas.