Is there anything better than June?
All the things you need to make June your happiest, healthiest time of year.
Happy Saturday,
I love June. In fact, I look forward to June in the same way a kid looks forward to Christmas. Most years of my adult life… I’ve had a silent countdown leading to June. (That I started in September.)
If I created a calendar, June would be the first month.
I’m pretty sure you get the idea how I feel about June. And as you may already know or may have guessed, this is probably because I spent over twenty years of my career teaching full time.
June represented the finish line. Salvation. Mile 26.2.
June was a victory party that my friend Alice Cooper understands very well…
I had to play that for all my teacher friends.
Speaking of teacher friends, my teacher friend Nancy told me the ultimate summer analogy early on in my career. In a true Jedi Master kind of way, Nancy took me aside sometime in late May as I closed out my first year of teaching. She told me something that doesn’t just apply to teachers - but really anyone who looks forward to summer.
Yoda Nancy said,
June is Friday night.
July is Saturday.
And August… is Sunday.
It’s still the weekend, but you can feel Monday breathing down your neck.
So while we’re all still enjoying a little Friday night party, I’m sharing my plan to make the most of June.
There are some sizzlin’ tips for you, so let’s get to it.