It's Game Changer Thursday...
There's one thing you can do to make every day just a little bit better... and I'm going to tell you all about it today.
Buenos Días Thursday Crew,
My OG readers know how much I hate starting newsletters with pleasantries, so instead of me talking about how crazy it is that it’s almost June, let’s get to it.
Shall we?
Maybe you clicked on the post because of my promise of a Game Changer.
Have you noticed that everyone’s talking about game changers? Here are a few of mine:
I now add a half scoop of collagen with a half scoop of protein powder to my smoothie bowl (and frozen raspberries, bananas, almond milk, and ice)… the result? PURE DELIGHT. (The collagen was the game changer.)
I started going to bed at nine and getting more sleep - total game changer. Crabby Abbey has left the house.
15 years ago I started doing hot yoga - game changer for my knees and joints after all the miles I’ve run.
You get the idea.
There’s nothing like a solid game changer, and like I said, I hear people gabbing about their own GC’s all time. So much so that I started wondering, is game changer just a trendy term we like to punch around, or is it a real thing?
So, I looked it up.
Oxford Languages defines game changer as…
an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current manner of doing or thinking about something.
"a potential game changer that could revitalize the entire US aerospace industry"
There you have it, game changers are real and not just a fluffy way to tell the world that switching from Coke to water has changed your life.
Hold on a second though.
There’s one crucial element that goes into the making of game changers… which nicely leads to What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week.
There’s one thing you need to do to create game changers in your life.
And it’s simple.
And can lead to magical changes from dawn til dusk.
Ready for it?
Start each day by deeply considering your intention for the day.
But don’t just stop there. Take it a step further.
Whatever your intention, frame it in a positive light.
(I’m not saying this to be annoying. Really.)
Even if your job stinks, focus on the three seconds of it that are a little fun.
Even if you feel like you’re up against a wall, think about that wall and how a coat of paint could freshen things up and change your perspective.
Because here’s the deal. When we have positive intentions behind what we’re doing, we’re likely to experience happiness and success.
Resulting in good things happening. All day long.
Kind of sounds like a
Wham. Bam.
Hoping today is a game changer for you.
While pondering that, keep reading for more game changers I found this week.
Before you click your heart out below, a question - are you a subscriber?
If not, I’d love it if you’d sign up for my mailing list, and/or send this along to a friend!
Focus on what can be instead of what needs to be fixed in this episode of Gabby Bernstein, Intentions versus Resolutions.
Intention setting… do you think it’s a bunch of hooey? Turns out it’s not just New Age woo-woo talk, it goes way back, according to this episode of Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris and guest Dawn Mauricio.
Life Game Changers
Not sure where to start? How about 8 Tiny Habits That Could Change Your Life. (Sounds like a logical place to begin.)
I’ve had Macs since the beginning of time, but still am pretty clueless about the device I spend most of my time on. I’m trying to change that by watching things like this Mac OS tips video, aesthetic Mac setup tips, and how about these Mac creativity and productivity apps?
And, sorry, PC users… I don’t know how to turn your devices on, much less optimize or accessorize them.
Game Changers for My Gal Pals
How to boost your metabolism with breakfast if you’re in your 40s per a registered dietitian. Plus, low on energy? Eat these high energy foods. And - women of any age - these are the foods a doctor says will balance your hormones.
You may remember Dr. Jennifer Ashton from Good Morning America. Just last month, she left ABC to launch her own wellness company, Ajenda. Her goal is to address the challenges of menopause health and weight management. Follow her on Instagram (@drjashton) or subscribe to her newsletter.
And more from the Tell Me You’re Over 40 without Telling Me You’re Over 40 files… one podcaster I love, Chalene Johnson, is dedicating her platform to issues we gals face. A good episode to start with is this one - Feeling Bloated? Tips to Get Rid of the Bloat!
Game Changing Amazon Finds
25 +Amazon Must Haves (I especially love the iPhone case/sticky thing!)
25 Best Summer Amazon Fashion trends per Shea Whitney.
Inflation is nuts, we all are feeling it. But here are “7 Things You Should NEVER Skimp On” according to an investment banker/YouTuber who knows a thing or two about $.
Game Changing Recipes & Groceries
What’s on sale at Costco this week.
If you love hummus, here’s a great recipe from Refika’s Kitchen (who is highly entertaining, btw). Can’t have chick peas? No problem, try this this healthy dip that tastes like hummus, but might be even better.
How about these giant summer rolls to go with that hummus and dip.
While the music on this video put me to sleep, this quinoa salad looks pretty delicious.
Finally, 10 Amazon Kitchen Game Changers to make meal prep easier.
and that’s a wrap.
Remember… whatever it is you want to accomplish this day or in this life, it all starts with an intention.
Set a good one.
Be sure to tune in Saturday for some special announcements regarding Summer Newsletter Programming.
I’ve got a few things up my sleeve(less)🎽summer tank.