My dad was an amateur spy and so am I
Special thanks to the lady on the bus for giving me the idea for this week’s theme.
I’ve inherited a lot of my parents’ traits, which isn’t a bad thing, because they were simply awesome people.
But I’m most proud of a trait I got from my dad, who could have been a world class spy. He always managed to get people to tell their stories, or find out their stories by observing and listening. When both of those methods failed, he’d snoop around as he saw appropriate and necessary. This included hotel window surveillance to get a feel for his surroundings. (I’ll save the story of a hotel window, camera, a nun, and the Italian police for another newsletter.)
Don’t get me wrong, he didn’t cross any boundaries, he was just a curious guy.
That said, I sometimes “play JLA” (my dad’s initials) when in certain situations where I’ve got nothing better to do. (For example, while on public transport.)
It’s amazing what you hear when you sit back and listen, as I did last week.
I was bound for the airport and all set to do some serious writing when an older woman and her BFF sat down behind me. They immediately started a conversation that continued for the duration of the ride. In case you’re wondering, they were off to California to attend the birthday party of “the kid” who was 13 and therefore too old to be referred to as kid, per the grandma. Apparently, the not-kid is a bit of a brat, but the BFF assured the woman “it was the age.” I only hoped the little angel would pause to appreciate the check her grandma was writing (which would go in the card grandma had yet to buy).
Well, their conversation started to sound like this until the woman said something pretty profound. It actually wasn’t to the BFF, but rather to the caller who entered the scene through a very loud ringtone. (Outside sounds, always a perk on a bus ride.)
“Oh yes, Gladys, we’re on the bus which is nice because….”
(Because…it’s leading to What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week….)
Gladys, we’re on the bus now…
which is nice, because…
we’re at the point where everything is up to someone else.
We’re on the bus, now we just need to get on the plane and leave it up to them.
Chatty Cathy’s innocent report to Gladys might have changed my life.
How many of us spend every waking minute trying to control every aspect of our lives… and forget that every now and then, we need to sit back, take a call from Gladys, and realize that it’s not all up to us.
We’ll get where we need to go.
Sometimes we need to take control of the situation to make things happen.
Other times, getting to our destination is in the hands of other people (and higher powers, if that’s your belief).
Not a bad thing to ponder.
With that, I’ll leave the rest of the wisdom up to the experts I site below.
Stay curious 🕵️,
P.S. I bet you’re curious where I was going on that bus, right? Use your detective skills to interpret the pics at the end of this post and find out where.
Here are two podcasts from The Well + Good Podcast that my college roommate sent me. If you’re an injured runner, try “What to Do When You Can’t Run” or listen to “Small Steps to Achievable Goals” if you’ve just got some things you want to accomplish.
Got teenagers? I don’t, but I know how fun that age is (as does Chatty Cathy from our story above). If you’re struggling with your own little angels, listen to Lisa Damour: Understanding Today’s Teenagers on the Everything Happens Podcast.
Whether you’re traveling or at home, you don’t have to be your own fitness trainer. Leave it up to the YouTube gurus and try this 15 minute workout or for a bit longer, try this one. Both perfect for small spaces.
Get your fall fashion game on, thanks to Valentina’s tips, or Busbee Style’s 20 Fashionable Fall Outfits.
Here’s what streaming this month on Netflix or perhaps you prefer Amazon Prime.
While we’re talking about Amazon, let me share one of the best documentaries I’ve seen. Whether you’re a basketball fan or not, watch Pau Gasol: It’s About The Journey for inspiration. Learn how this Spanish basketball player worked to overcome injury and play again.
A hint to where I am now is found in the last documentary tip. While here (in Spain) I always hit these shops. You can check them out online: &other stories, ese o ese, and renatta and go.
Since I’m traveling, here are a few tips for fall travel to Madrid.
Tip #1 - go to Madrid - it’s a great city to explore, and a great launching pad to see other spots in Spain and/or Portugal.
Tip #2 - If possible, fly Iberia Airlines (I love their direct flight out of Chicago.) Once in Madrid, Barajas Airport is easy to navigate, super cool, and has a lot of great shops. Plus, you’ve got many transportation options to the city center in Madrid.
Tip #3 - While summer in Spain is like no other place, it’s also HOT. If you prefer cooler temps, plan a trip in fall. The weather’s still warm - it’s been in the mid-to-high 70’s during the day, and the nights are cool but not too cool. Which makes packing fairly easy. I call my suitcase style “a cool summer meets a warm fall.”
Tip #4 - BUT. Leave room in your suitcase for great Madrid finds. Where to shop? Start with El Corte Inglés - the famous department store that has anything and everything. Or, head to the Chueca area of Madrid - specifically Calle Augusto Figueroa for AMAZING shoe stores and boutiques, and don’t forget the pedestrian street Fuencarral.
While in Chueca, you’re a walk away from Gran Via (another shopping MECCA), the Paseo del Prado featuring the Prado, other museums, and nearby Retiro Park. Speaking of art in this area, you must go to Fundación MAPFRE, which hosts wonderful art and cultural exhibitions.
Tip #6 - Watch for more on my trip and Spain in upcoming newsletters!
Chatty Cathy gave us some great advice when she reminded us to that it feels good sometimes to sit back, relax, and realize we’ve done everything we can. That’s a great spot to be in, because the pressure to keep controlling our lives and situations is off, and we can just watch the show. It turns out Arianna Huffington/Alicia Keys were on the same wave length as Chatty Cathy, because take a look at the reminder Arianna posted. (It’s a good part two to Chatty’s advice.)
Cheers to this sentiment - out of hands, out of mind - as it takes even more pressure off of us, allowing us to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Which, if you’re lucky to be around people like Chatty Cathy… can end up being pretty interesting.
Hasta Luego,