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A look back at my photos from 2023 reminded me what's important in life. Hint: it's not food, even though I found 500 smoothie and dinner pics...
This t-shirt from the Tourist Office in Lake Charles, LA, perfectly sums up 2023!
Happy Last Saturday of 2023,
Let me start by getting some New Year’s pleasantries out of the way. I’ll just go ahead and ask and answer all the typical end-of-year questions:
Isn’t it crazy how 2023 just flew by? (Insane.)
Are you ready for the New Year? (YES)
Got plans for NYE? Stayin’ in? (Happily staying in!)
Will you make it until midnight? (In some time zone, yes.)
Are you making any resolutions? (Got a couple.)
Are your decorations still up? (Yes, ask me again in early January.)
Did I miss any?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve asked these questions about 82 times myself in the past week.
I also:
did 27ish loads of laundry
signed up for a conference in January
tied up loose ends and planned for 2024 for my writing business
worked on new features for What I’d Rather Be Talking About
cleaned out drawers and closets, rearranged my office 50 times, then had my sister Patty help accessorize it:
did a lot of hot yoga (great for holiday detoxing)
took a look at my photo roll for 2023
That last one is what I want to highlight.