Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
Happy Thursday!
I hope September is going well. It seems everyone is talking about how Back to School time feels a lot like New Year’s in that it’s a time for goal-setting. I’m feeling definite “restart” vibes; how about you?
I touched on this in my last newsletter, “Life Syllabus,” where I talked about a task list or syllabus of sorts to organize our goals and aspirations so we can go for our dreams.
But after sending that post out, I felt I needed to say more on the topic. Something was missing. Sure, we could all write out some life syllabus… but that could be a long and arduous task with a lot of unknowns.
So, I’m modifying last week’s “assignment” with this question:
What’s your Plan de Vida or Life Plan?
I heard of “Plan de Vida” in the Netflix documentary Live to 100, Secrets of the Blue Zones, where Dan Buettner travels to 6 areas of the world where a large percentage of the population lives to be 100 or more.
Plan de Vida is the term residents of the Costa Rican peninsula of Nicoya use to refer to “the positive reason to live that keeps senior citizens active.” This Plan de Vida inspires people to continue working and doing the things they love long past the years of traditional retirement. (See this ranchero’s story of retiring at age 95.)
Now, I’m not telling everyone to postpone their retirement age by 30-plus years, but I am going to tell you What I’d Rather Be Talking About:
Perhaps the way to have
a successful, happy, and long life
is to ask ourselves:
What’s our Life Plan?
(In other words…)
What activities get us out of bed and make us feel like we’re doing what we’ve come here to do?
After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
That’s something to ponder for a bit.
In the meantime, I’ve got some inspo to get the wheels turning.
The following is a long podcast, so maybe listen in a few sessions. But it’s a GOOD ONE. The episode description “reverse bucket lists” lured me in and didn’t disappoint. For a new way to look at exercise, honoring your bucket list, and more, check out this episode of “The Tim Ferris Show.”
If you’re into Blue Zones and want to listen vs. watch something, check out Live Purely with Elizabeth and this interview with Dan Buettner.
Learn How Your Brain Creates Your Reality on Feel Better Live More.
OMG. Shoutout to my husband for feeding my TV Nostalgia with this discovery. Teleport back to the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond! Watch shows, commercials, and movies from each decade! (Look for the power button on the lower right side of the TV set for each decade.)
You won't want to miss a motivational speech about the Power of Purpose.
If you want to travel and also make a difference. If so, check out these 2023 volunteer opportunities, environmental volunteer programs, or (my favorite) volunteer English instruction abroad.
Looking for something to send to your college kid? Or maybe a unique gift idea? How about a photo album full of gift cards? GENIUS. Country Homes Charm shows us how to do it.
If jeans are on your shopping list for fall, here are the latest trends.
Need shoes? Here are some I’ll never buy, some I can’t stop thinking about (see #17) and then a list of normal shoes I might buy.
I discovered Brooke Burke (TV host, cancer survivor, entrepreneur, fitness educator, podcaster, and women’s health advocate) on an episode of The Skinny Confidential. I checked out her website and found this Green detox soup and these healthy breakfasts.
Not sure if you noticed, but I’m obsessed with the Blue Zones. Here, a chunky vegetable soup recipe, beans and rice as you’ve never seen them from Nicoya, spinach pie and lemon and herb potatoes from Greece. And be sure to check out this 105-year-old woman’s breakfast.
Thrive Global tells us the benefits of pursuing our passions (and life plan).
Check out Oprah’s new book and more in Time’s Best Books of Fall 2023.
Photo by HamZa NOUASRIA on Unsplash
I hope this newsletter has inspired you or, at the very least, given you a few podcasts to listen to.
I’ve been working on my own Plan de Vida, and specifically on something that is both 100% in and 100% out of my comfort zone. (A fact that tells me I’m on the right track.)
My mystery project is fueling me and taking up a great deal of my time and energy. But nothing I’m doing is making me tired, discouraged, or worn out.
So, I think the Nicoyans would approve of what I’ve got in the works.
Now it’s your turn. Time to work on your plan.
I’ll check in next week to see how you’re doing and perhaps give you a sneak peek at how mine is progressing.
Stay tuned. Stay interested.
And most importantly, Stay YOU.