The Frog Can Wait
I'm talking about to-do lists, and don't worry... I'm not telling you to ignore the frog. I'm just saying that there's something more important to consider first.
If you’re reading this in the morning, chances are you’ve got a day’s worth of tasks ahead of you, detailed in a nice little to-do list.
Or maybe, if you’re like me, you’ve got a long list written in various colors, that you’ve been creating for days, wondering if knowing that you’re never actually going to make it to net-zero.
Raise your hand if you think to-do lists can get out of control.
🙋♀️I sure do.
As a freelancer with twelve thousand balls in the air, making my to-do list sometimes takes half a day.
(Okay not really, but it feels like it.)
But as life-controlling as to-do lists might seem, you have to admit they’re helpful.
I actually kind of like making lists and crossing things off when I’m done with them.
So, other than the fact that our lists remind us how busy we are, I’ve never really had a problem with them or even given them a second thought.
Then I stumbled upon an issue of “Another Way with Selina Barker” where the writer (Selina) shared some thoughts on the topic.
It turns out our to-do lists - as extensive as they are - are missing the boat in one critical area. The problem is, our lists often don’t include activities that are done purely for the sake of enjoyment.
So Selina created a second to-do list that had nothing to do with her regular list.
This new list was special, just for summer, and she called it A List of Simple Pleasures. It contained all of the things she could do during the month of August that would bring her pleasure.
Her list included:
Walk barefoot on a sandy beach
Eat breakfast outside
Eat my own home-grown tomatoes
Swim in the sea
Enjoy my morning coffee sitting outside in the deckchair
Yoga and meditation with the doors open to the garden
They all sound good, no?
Here’s the most important part. Selina didn’t just create this list for good measure. She started her day with a Simple Pleasure instead of one of the “important items” on her regular to-do list.
Simply put, Selina decided that taking care of herself and enjoying herself would be her top summer priorities.
Baller move, Selina.
Well, Selina’s genius idea made me think about creating my own version of a Simple Pleasures List.
And, call me predictable, but that list happens to be What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week.
Selina’s idea made me wonder:
What would happen if I made a list of things that absolutely brought me joy…
and then made those things my main priority?
What would happen to my business? Would I have time to write? Lose clients? Go broke?
I decided the notion was worth investigating, and I’m going for it.
I’m going to call my list the “What My Higher Self Wants Me To Do List.”
How about creating your own list?
For a minute, let’s stop worrying about our regular to-do lists and the business of tackling the hardest thing first (you know, the eat the frog theory).
Instead take a minute to shift the focus on you.
Create a list that feeds your soul instead of meeting everyone else’s expectations.
I bet that list will be pretty awesome.
Consider this your homework (after all, it’s Back to School season).
I’ve already started mine, and will share part of it at the end of this newsletter.
(That’s my cheap way of forcing you to read the links and info I’ve put together for you below.)
See you at the bottom,

You know that feeling you get when you go into a store or cafe and they’re playing vibey music? You feel like you’ve found where the cool kids hang. This playlist transports you there. (Thx, Morning Person newsletter for the suggestion.)
Now, one thing I didn’t mention above is that having a special to-do list for fun activities means we need to be as efficient as possible in our other to-do list. Amy Landino helps use in this YouTube, How to live on 24 hours day (like a high performer) and then gives us the Top Productivity Apps that give you time back in your day. Both videos are absolute gold.
Wow, it’s like all my podcasters this week knew I was talking about productivity- tune into Kimberly Snyder as she tells us how to How to Create and Sustain Quality Productivity in the Midst of a Busy Life.
With all this hoopla about how to be productive and mastering your day maybe you’re thinking… “Zip it, Abbey” move on. Okay, I will. And I’ll even re-listen to Is Overthinking Zapping Your Energy? Maybe it’ll help.

Moving onto some food stuff. I’ve told you that I’ve been on a sugar cleanse. One thing I learned off the bat was that sugar is hidden everywhere. I also learned that ditching sugar is hard, but has so many benefits - including potentially saving your life? Let’s explore that in Dr. Mark Hyman’s podcast Why Quitting Sugar Could Save Your Life.

(The first official)
What My Higher Self Wants Me To-Do List:
Get out for my run before 7 a.m. - nothing better than crisp, fall air and no cars on the road.
Eat breakfast on my deck while the weather is still good. (i.e. Avoid kicking myself in winter when that same deck is covered with snow.)
Take a half hour walking break at lunch. (Otherwise, why do I even work from home? I’ve waited over 20 years for this freedom!)
Get my butt to the driving range - fall golf is where it’s at, and Lord knows I need the practice.
Reconnect with friends over a walk, coffee, or dinner. (In other words, stop being a lazy lame-oid and get something on the calendar for reals.)
Take advantage of being a remote worker, and actually work remotely… in an area coffee shop or maybe even another city or state. (Again, I fantasized about having this freedom…)
Actually stop being a remote worker on weekends and forget about work for a day. (Enough’s enough. Unplugging needs to move to the top of my list.)
Get off my damn phone for maybe five seconds. (Trying really hard to remove mine from my body. Considering surgery or a chisel to pry it out of my hand.)
Make less to-do lists.
And I’ll stop right there.
Let me know what you’re putting on your list.
There’s only one rule for it:
make it a good one.
Until next time.
Peace out,
Abbey’s list:
1). Golfing
2). Traveling to an ‘Español-speaking’ country..
3). Jogging..
4). Doing one of those activities (Golf over jogging, right?) in said spoken Spanish country..
5). Drinking wine..Enjoying culture in said spoken country..
6). REPEAT, PRN, or continuous REPEAT!!🙌🏼🙌🏼😃🤣🤣💯