Your home just called... it wants in on the WELLNESS revolution too.
Part 2 of WELLNESS in Your Home - featuring home design & feng shui advice, how to clear out the toxins, say adios to negative energy, and get hygge with your casa.
Happy Thursday!
As promised, coming to you today with Part 2 in a Home Wellness series. (Click here if you missed Part 1, Is Your Home WELL? Do You Feel Well in Your Home?)
Part 1 was my personal story about discovering how important it is to feel at home in your home. And how that can change over time.
Today’s issue explores how to create a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing home that’s also physically/emotionally/spiritually good for us. A healthy home in every sense of the word.
Over the past year, you may have picked up on the fact that I’m fairly obsessed with clean eating and living a clean lifestyle. Yet, I still appreciate fries & vino and will never (ever) say no to M&Ms. I just try to make sure most of the things I consume are bueno.
This means geeking out on wellness podcasts or documentaries and having riveting conversations about magnesium supplements and morning routines. Read between the lines, and we could be friends.
In other words, I’ll talk about anything when it comes to wellness.
But I’ll have to admit that my concentration on wellness has been mainly on what I put in my grocery cart and the activities I do, not necessarily on making my home a wellness sanctuary.
But then, the other day, I was making my morning rounds on LinkedIn and saw a Forbes article on a new design certification that centers around WELL homes. The International WELL Building Institute is behind this certification, and the goal is simple - “to create a flexible roadmap for healthier homes.” This roadmap helps credentialed WELL AP (accredited professionals) practitioners make homes WELL AF. (Sorry, my lifestyle may be clean, but language still needs help.)
And (drumroll) wouldn’t you know that learning of this new wellness certification led me to What I’d Rather Be Talking About this week:
If we spend a ton of time dedicating ourselves to healthy eating,
exercising, stress reduction, and everything else wellness…
then what are we even doing if at the end of the day,
the place we call home sweet home
actually kind of stinks?
Like everything in life, there’s always room for improvement
and what better place to start than 🏠🧁🏠.
And with that, hit the links below for all sorts of ideas on making your home as well as possible.
It really is kind of silly to talk about home wellness if it’s full of toxins and products with toxins. But where do you start to get rid of all the toxins, RIGHT?
Start with a checklist with requirements for healthy homes.
If you’re new to detoxing your house and life, listen to Toxin-Free Talk for tips on how to start.
Find out how the hidden toxins in your home really do matter in this episode of Wellness Mama, where guest Marilee Nelson shares How Hidden Elements in Your Home Affect Mood & Health, and then go to Part 2 - How to Find Truly Natural & Non-Toxic Products.
Your house can be beautiful inside and out, but is it healthy? See Web MD’s guide to detecting toxins in your home or check out Mind Body Green’s piece, “5 Signs Your Home is Making You Sick and How to Solve Them.”
Practical tips about keeping your home healthy from This Old House.
Photo by Precious Plastic Melbourne on Unsplash
Health begins at home & here are 8 Interior Design Tricks That Will Help Your Well-Being.
How to Create a Happy and Healthy Home - a great YouTube looking at how our homes affect our overall health and well-being.
This fun designer shares her cleaning secrets in “Clean With Me Before I Slap You.” (Her perspective is priceless.)
Wellness includes how you feel deep down to your bones and soul… see what Architectural Digest has to say about creating a soulful home.
Want to Create a Healthy Home? Try These 4 Areas - action steps to make your home a mini-sanctuary. (Clear space, clear mind is my favorite.)
In a bad mood? Improving your home could help you feel better in your home and your skin.
A guide to creating good energy in your home using feng shui.
I’m a big proponent of clearing the energy in your home, and here’s Why It’s Always a Good Idea to Clear a House, Room, or Space of Energy.
Watch 📺 How to Make Your Home a Sanctuary - because isn’t that the goal?
And you can bet your Palo Santo I’m 📖 reading How to Make Your Home a Sanctuary and Protect Your Energy.
Watch this short YouTube to see exactly how to clear the energy in your home with sage. (Hot tip: BE SURE TO OPEN YOUR WINDOWS when doing this; otherwise, you trap the negative energy inside. I’m speaking from personal experience. Sorry KL!)
Listen to this positive frequency to cleanse yourself and your home and feel better, or try Tibetan Healing Sounds to Cleanse the Aura and Space.
A podcast that sums it up is Home is Where the Health Is, hosted by a mother and daughter who discuss environmental wellness.
Finally, be sure to watch this YouTube on the Danish concept of Hygge.
On a Serious Note…
Okay, that was a lot of info! So much so that you might be like, WHOA. Too much.
I get that.
Perhaps the trick to wellness at home and wellness in our lives is just taking it day by day, step by step, and trying to make the best decisions for overall health. I think the more we do to build a healthy lifestyle, the more our lives will be… healthier.
Building a foundation of wellness in our homes provides a great starting point every day and a solid place to rest and restore each night.
Enjoy your home. Enjoy your life.
See you Saturday,
What a great article, Abbey..Definitely makes you think about / want to act upon the well-rounded Wellness lifestyle . #APPRECIATION