Aug 3, 2023Liked by Abbey Algiers

Your recall of “meetings we’ve all sat through “ obviates the importance of having skills to 1. Conduct and chair a meeting and 2. How to participate and contribute in a meeting. How many are simply rotated to the chair position without training. And are any of us taught how to really prepare for and contribute to a meeting?

Also, I feel some skills at stand up comedy are a definite asset to getting people to attend with interest.

Congressman Steiger (WI) had a bad back and therefore had a standing desk. He conducted meetings standing which is proven to improve the meetings and shorten the timeframe.

Why is there a 7 th inning stretch at a ballgame?……..

Meetings may need a change up.

Just sayin

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I'm a fan of the walking meetings that have been a spin off from the pandemic. Work at home and have a call? Take it on the road. A win-win.

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